Data loading

Here, we are going to load the ASV table with the row indicating the sampleID. The column is the consensus sequence. The file name is asv.table.txt
## Loading the ASV table
seqtab.nochim <- read.table('~/Documents/work/paper_write/genome_training/R_for_microbiome/micro_biome_training16S/asv.table.txt', header = T, sep = '\t')

## Loading the file providing the sequence (column of seqtab.nochim) corresponding species for each column of ASV table
taxa <- read.table('~/Documents/work/paper_write/genome_training/R_for_microbiome/micro_biome_training16S/taxa_for_asv.txt', header = T, sep = '\t')

Sparsity detection and accuracy evaluation

## Checking how sparse the ASV is
sum(apply(seqtab.nochim, 2, function(x){x > 0}))/(nrow(seqtab.nochim) * ncol(seqtab.nochim))
## [1] 0.3521552
## Checking the distribution of reads counts
hist(log2(seqtab.nochim[seqtab.nochim > 0]), breaks = 100,
     col = 'cornflowerblue', las = 1, main = 'Distribution of reads counts')
quantile(seqtab.nochim[seqtab.nochim > 0])
##   0%  25%  50%  75% 100% 
##    2   10   20   54 3488
quantile(seqtab.nochim[seqtab.nochim > 0], 0.05)
## 5% 
##  4
abline(v = log2(5),lty = 2)

## Barplot investigating the number of consensus sequence detected
barplot(apply(seqtab.nochim, 1, function(x){length(which( x > 4))}),
        las = 2, ylab = 'Number of consensus sequence')
abline (h = 20, lty = 2)

## Accuracy evaluation by using mock sequence
## Loading the reference seqence for Mock sample
mock_seq <- read.table('', header = T)
seqtab.nochim_mock <- seqtab.nochim[20,]
seqtab.nochim_seq  <- names(seqtab.nochim_mock)[which(seqtab.nochim_mock > 4)]
## Printing out the number of consensus sequence in Mock sample match to reference sequences
sum( sapply(seqtab.nochim_seq, function(s){any( grep(s, mock_seq$sequence) )} ) )
## [1] 20

Shannon and Simpson diversity

##Matrix generation for sample information 
daysAfterWeaning <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(seqtab.nochim)[1:19], 'D'), function(x){
samdf <- data.frame(id = rownames(seqtab.nochim)[1:19],
                    daysAfterWeaning = as.numeric(daysAfterWeaning))
samdf$col <- 'red'
samdf$col[samdf$daysAfterWeaning > 100] <- 'navy'

##Function for Shannon diversity 
#input should be samples x taxonomy
shannonDiversity <- function(df) 
     p <- t( apply(df, 1, function(x){x/sum(x)}) )
     H <- apply(p , 1, function(x){x <- x[x > 0]; -sum( log(x) * x )})

##Function for Simpson diversity
SimpsonDiversity <- function(df) 
     p <- t( apply(df, 1, function(x){x/sum(x)}) )
     H <- apply(p , 1, function(x){x <- x[x > 0];1-sum( (x ^ 2))})
shD <- shannonDiversity(seqtab.nochim[1:19, ])
siD <- SimpsonDiversity(seqtab.nochim[1:19, ])
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(samdf$daysAfterWeaning,shD, col = samdf$col, pch = 19 ,las = 1, 
     xlab = 'Days', ylab = 'Shannon Diversity')
plot(samdf$daysAfterWeaning,siD, col = samdf$col, pch = 19 ,las = 1, 
     xlab = 'Days', ylab = 'Simpson Diversity')

Projecting the samples on 2-D plot by using PCA

## Transform data to proportions as appropriate for Bray-Curtis distance
ps.prop <- t(apply(seqtab.nochim,1,function(x){x/sum(x)})) 
BC_dis  <- function(prop) 
       m <- matrix(, nrow(prop), nrow(prop))
       for(i in 1:nrow(prop)) 
           for(j in 1:nrow(prop)) 
                 m[i,j] <- 1 - sum( apply(prop[c(i,j),],2,min))

## Bray-Curtis distance calculation
ps.BC_dis<- BC_dis (ps.prop[1:19, ])
ps.PCA   <- prcomp(ps.BC_dis,scale=F )
     bg = samdf$col,pch = 21,cex = 2,
     las = 1,xlab = 'PCA_direction1',
     ylab = 'PCA_direction2')